Solutions for mouse & keyboard pains

Poor computer use for long periods of time can lead to discomfort and even injury, particularly with the constant use of a mouse and keyboard.

Take regular breaks and do stretching exercises for the muscles involved.

Below are some common problems and solutions related to mouse and keyboard use.

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Pressure on the Carpal Tunnel

Do not lean or put pressure on your wrists or work with your wrists tilted up.

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Sustained work with the wrist ‘bent’

Always try to work with your wrists in line with your forearm and not bent up. If you find you can not do this check your set up is right.

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Gripping the mouse too tightly, or in an uncomfortable position.

Try to avoid this as it can cause fatigue and pain in the hand.

Choose a mouse which allows the hand to keep its natural starting position, such as the Penguin Vertical Mouse.

Make sure when you are not using the mouse you take your hands away from it.

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Using excessive force

Clicking or typing too hard can cause pain in the fingers.

Don’t use a mouse or keyboard with ‘stiff’ buttons or keys. You may need a new or alternative model if this is the case.

Be conscious about typing lightly and consider learning how to type better. There are many online courses available.

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Hovering over the keys

When not typing do not hover your hands over the keys as this puts unnecessary strain on your arms and shoulders.

Relax when you are not keying. Ensure your desk is at the correct height and rest your hands.

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Unnecessary repetition of keystrokes/mouse

Use Macros programmed in your computer settings to insert whole phrases/sentences that you use frequently, at a stroke of the ‘enter’ key. You may need to speak to your IT department for instructions on how to do this on your computer.

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Desk not deep enough to allow a wrist rest

You may consider looking at arm/wrist supports that work around this.

However if this is the case chances are you desk won't be suitable for a full ergonomic setup and you should consider a replacement.