Hybrid working - ergonomic tips and products

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Date & time

Monday 14 June 2021, 11am


Graham Ashton, Product Specialist & Assessment Support, Posturite
Katharine Metters, MCSP MSc.Erg CMIOSH PGCE, Head Consultant, Posturite


Our ergonomic experts Katharine Metters and Graham Ashton join for this webinar exploring the rise of hybrid working, where employees spend some of their time working from home, and some from the office. They will discuss the ergonomic risks involved with homeworking, focusing on different areas such as physical inactivity, correct workstation set-up and choosing a suitable ergonomic chair. This is a great chance to find out more about ergonomic tips and solutions, and to ask our presenters any questions you have.

About the speakers

Graham Ashton
Graham has worked at Posturite for over 5 years with a background in injury rehabilitation and still practising separately, keeping up to date with current guidance. Starting as a face-to-face DSE assessor, he has now also taken up an advisory role for both clients and Posturite staff as a senior DSE advisor and product specialist for more complex DSE related cases.

Katharine Metters
Katharine is a member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists, Chartered Member of the Institute of Safety and Health and holds a Masters degree in Ergonomics. This unique combination of qualifications, together with her vast range of experience working within healthcare, food, retail and utility sectors, enables Katharine to offer a very broad-based range of training, education and health & safety management in the workplace.