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Monitor arms and stands: what do they do, and how do you choose?

Whether you use one screen, two, or a whole suite of monitors, how you position them will affect how you position yourself.

Adjustable monitor arms offer the highest level of configuration - but a simple stand or block is fine if you just need to elevate your screen. A screen that's too low, too far away, or set at the wrong angle can cause neck, back and shoulder issues as well as eye problems and fatigue.

We've produced an infographic to take you through how to set up your screen (or screens), the different monitor solutions available, and how to choose the right one for you. You can also download the printable A4 advice sheet version here.

Click here to download a PDF version of our 'Monitor arms and stands - what they do and how to choose' infographic

Browse and shop our large range of monitor arms and monitor stands.