1 reviews

Dragon Professional v16 (UK)

Dragon Professional v16 (UK)
1 reviews
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£340.00 £283.33
£340.00 £283.33
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The perfect tool for business, brand new Dragon Pro v16 harnesses all the latest technologies to help you get work done quickly and accurately with clever voice control.

Let Dragon Pro v16 build your confidence in producing perfectly documents, spreadsheets and forms with crystal clear voice recognition. You can teach the software the words and phrases you use the most to minimise corrections and it will even optimise accuracy if you have an accent, or you’re working in a slightly noisy environment.

With Dragon you’ll speed through workloads, using your voice to manage all the business applications you use on a daily basis.

Choose from two Dragon Pro v16 options:

  • Dragon Professional v16 (UK) - Download
  • Dragon Professional v16 (UK) - Upgrade from v15 (requires a previous version of Dragon v15 installed to be able to upgrade to v16)

Important information
Please ensure you choose the correct version when ordering. The software is non-returnable if the incorrect one is ordered.
  • Work faster and more accurately by dictating to Dragon
  • Customise Dragon to automatically adapt abbreviations, dates, phone numbers and more to how you want them
  • Apply formatting by voice, such as bold, italic, or underline
  • Work within all the popular business applications you need on a daily basis
  • No limits for speaking time or document length
  • Easy, quick import and export to and from cloud-based document-sharing tools like Dropbox® and note-taking apps like Evernote®
  • Complete transcription with no voice training required, even for third-party speakers.
Minimum 4 GB
Intel® dual core or equivalent AMD processor (faster processors yield faster performance)
Supported operating systems:
Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11 (32- and 64-bit); Windows Server 2008 R2 & 2012 R2
Free hard disk space:
4 GB
Internet Explorer 11 or higher or the current version of Chrome or Firefox
Additional hardware:
A sound card supporting 16-bit recording
1 year
Q: How many computers can I install Dragon on?

Dragon can be installed on one computer located at one physical address. Installation on a secondary computer for back-up purposes is also permitted.

For the latest editions of Dragon speech recognition, specifically Dragon Professional, the license is per user (not per machine). A licensed speaker is permitted to create and use multiple voice profiles, and these voice profiles can be stored on one or more computers.

A separate license, however, must be purchased for each additional speaker whose voice profile(s) are being used by the software.

Q: Can Dragon be used by other people in my household?

Products like Dragon are ‘speaker-dependent’. It relies on information specific to each user, including what words and phrases are used often, how the user sounds, what audio device is used, and what software settings are being used. It stores this data in a set of files, referred to collectively as a ‘Dragon user profile’.

If they wish to run Dragon on their own separate computer, they will be required to purchase another copy of the software.

Dragon Professional, your copy of Dragon is not licensed to be used by others in your household as they would need to create another speaker profile. A copy of Dragon is licensed for one speaker only.

Q: Can I use Dragon without all the training?

Just a quick microphone check is needed. You do have the option; however, at a later time to enhance accuracy by doing additional training, have Dragon learn words from documents, or add specific words or phrases to word lists that you use. It’s important to keep in mind that while Dragon delivers high accuracy right out of the gate, it gets smarter the more you use it. And there are solutions to further refine recognition specific to you (i.e. the words and phrases you use), and reduce errors.

Q: Can I record lectures using Dragon?

Since Dragon NaturallySpeaking will only recognise the voice of the trained speaker – namely, you, it is not designed for use with multiple speakers. Thousands of Dragon customers still successfully use the software to transcribe interviews or lectures using a basic technique called ‘voice writing’ or ‘parroting’.

  • Record a lecture using a digital recorder or mobile device and download the electronic recording to your PC
  • Listen to the recording through the headphones of your Dragon headset and activate your Dragon microphone and repeat the recorded text as you hear it
  • Speaking the text aloud in your own voice enables Dragon to accurately transcribe the audio using the Dragon profile tuned to your voice
  • Dragon turns your voice into text as quickly as you can speak the words – so there’s no need to constantly rewind the audio while you try to type out the corresponding text

With the introduction of Dragon Professional, users can transcribe an audio file of any single speaker’s voice so it can be used in an interview setting of one single speaker. For lectures the ‘voice writing’ or ‘parroting’ technique is still required. Dragon Professional can accurately transcribe an audio file of any single speaker's voice from pre-recorded audio files. However, in a lecture hall, it may not be possible to get the recording device close enough to the lecturer to achieve a high quality recording for direct transcription.

Still having problems?

Please give our customer services team a call on +44 (0) 345 345 0010.

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