How could a DSE advisor help me?

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What's this webinar about?

Ergonomics is for everyone. Watch this webinar with our ergonomic experts for a quick, friendly intro to all the options available to you when you need help to make working more comfortable.

DSE advice is 'Display Screen Equipment' advice - basically for anyone who uses a computer to work.

Perhaps you’re suffering back, neck, shoulder or wrist pain? Your Posturite advisors want to help.

We’ll explain the differences between a Remote and a Face to Face DSE Assessment and what to expect before, during and after your appointment.

The best news is that there is also an advice option which is completely free! In this webinar we’ll let you know more about chatting online with experienced DSE advisors free of charge at Posturite.

Who is this webinar for?

  • Anyone who wants to improve their own comfort, health, wellbeing and productivity at work
  • Anyone interested in DSE health and safety and workplace wellbeing

Date & time

Thursday 21 September 2023, 11am-12pm


  • Katharine Metters C.MIOSH, MCSP, C.ErgHF PGCE, Lead Consultant in Health and Safety and Ergonomics, Posturite
  • Vikki Greer, Senior Product Specialist and CIEHF accredited DSE assessor, Posturite