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The estimated lead time for this item is displayed towards the top of the page, under the short description.
We will deliver the item(s) using a standard courier service. See our delivery charges ›
If you change your mind and your item is unused and in its original condition, we can give you a full refund when you return it within 30 days. Please call Customer Services on +44 (0) 345 345 0010 to obtain a Returns Note and Number.
The goods must be returned in perfect condition in their original packaging, with the Returns Note enclosed, at your own cost.
If you are returning an item because of an error on our part or because it is faulty/damaged, please contact us to advise when the item is packaged up and ready for collection.
If goods are returned due to a fault on the item, this will be tested and if faulty, a replacement will be issued. If no fault is found, the item will be returned back to you.
For more detailed information on our returns policy and any right you have to return goods under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013, please visit our 'Returns and refunds' page, accessed from the footer.
Our range of colours accurately meets the criteria recommended by top visual scientists and optometrists. Visual stress occurs in about 35% of people with dyslexia, so while all weak readers should be assessed for visual stress, not everyone with dyslexia will necessarily benefit from coloured overlays.
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