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Hot-desking allows you to reclaim unused office space. Why keep designated workstations for agile employees who are in and out of the office all week? With hot-desking, staff can settle down at whatever workstation is available that day. This leaves space for other features, like meeting spaces, break-out areas, or wellbeing features, like gym equipment, or a games room.

Hot desking can bring an array of benefits, including:

  • reduced overheads.
  • greater collaboration.
  • stimulating change.
  • space saving.

The problem

Switching to a hot desk environment can be tricky, especially when staff are used to owning and personalising their workstations. The switchover may require specialist management and training. There are also ergonomic issues to consider. We’re all different shapes and sizes. How can you make sure your workstations are suitable for everyone? That’s where we can help.

The solution

We are hot-desking specialists. We can consult, provide training and supply all the ergonomic hot-desking equipment you need to set up a healthy, happy office.


Our flagship DSE e-learning course AssessRite 3.0 is perfect for training hot-deskers to set up their environments correctly. Spanning desks, mobiles, tablets and laptops, AssessRite will equip users with all the knowledge they need to set up any workstation safely and comfortably to avoid painful and costly injuries.


Our experts can oversee the transition to hot-desking. They can carry out risk assessments, help draw up health and safety policies, and advise on best practice for running this kind of environment. The right advice could save you significant amounts of money and hassle in the future.


Creating hot-desking workstations that can quickly and easily be adjusted to the individual using them is essential. That’s where our expertise comes in. We can advise you on everything from keyboard and mice to monitor arms and DSE regulations. We maintain excellent relationships with the best manufacturers in the world, giving you access to a huge selection of options. We’ll advise you, install equipment and set up all equipment appropriately if needed.

What to do next?

Get in touch to discuss your next steps.