Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Screening
This is a screening assessment with a specialist to identify traits of ADHD. more info
At least 3% of UK adults are estimated to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or attention deficit disorder (ADD).
We will assist throughout the screening process to identify what is required and deliver a report with the results from the screening and recommendations for tailored solutions for support.
What is an ADHD spectrum screening assessment?
A screening assessment is when a specialist visits an employee at their workstation to assess and identify possible traits and behaviours relating to ADD/ADHD.
Who is the screening assessment for?
Any employee who feels they may have traits similar to ADHD.
What are the benefits of booking an ADHD screening assessment?
- Get to the root of what the individual needs
- Find tailored solutions that are more likely to be effective
- Don’t waste money on tools that are unsuitable for the individual
- Enable employees to perform better in their roles
- Remove productivity blocks
- Let employees know they are valued
- Comply with your legal obligations
- Foster an equal, diverse, supportive workforce