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Managed service

Do you need support to manage workstation assessments and DSE within your organisation? The expert Posturite Managed Service team can help implement and manage all your workstation assessment requirements efficiently.

Contact our workstation experts

Who provides the Managed Service?

Our team of Case Managers are fully trained DSE Assessors and have a wealth of experience in managing workstation assessment rollouts.

So whether you’re looking to implement a new system or just need some help with your existing processes, the Posturite in-house team of experts are able to help with DSE management. Outsourcing these specialist tasks makes good business sense.

How our Managed Service works

Our team of Case Managers can streamline your workstation assessment processes and provide valuable resource for the range of tasks involved in a workstation assessment programme:

User management
Case management incl triage calls and assessment services
Audit trail
Management information

We agree a bespoke workflow with you, so that our services slot into your organisation’s current processes and we can become a simple extension of your team.

Our Case Managers can be notified when there is an issue following a workstation or DSE assessment and will arrange a triage call to follow up with your employees. At Posturite we have the expertise to discuss the issues raised and provide suitable advice and recommendations – in line with your current policies and procedures.

What are the potential benefits of outsourcing DSE management to Posturite?

We can help make your workstation and DSE processes:

More organised
More cost-efficient
Save you time
Ensure your organisation meets its legal obligations
Make your staff feel more valued
Enable your staff to be more comfortable and ultimately more productive

If you have any questions or would like an initial discussion on how Managed Service can help, please do get in touch.

What our Managed Service involves

We can establish a complete DSE system from scratch for you, or fill in wherever you need DSE guidance or a few extra hands on deck. You control the level of management you’d like us to take on for you.

Our ultimate goal with any level of Managed Service is to make sure you have a smooth-running system for giving employees the support they need before issues spiral into costly, productivity-draining problems.

Posturite Managed Services can be filtered into two streams:

  • Direct contact tasks
    • Assessments
    • Triage calls
  • Administration tasks
    • Managing systems
    • Allocating resources
    • Keeping an audit trail

DSE and Workstation Assessments

DSE assessment implementation

Setting up or managing DSE self-assessment software

If you don’t already, we highly recommend you use self-assessment software as step one in your organisation’s DSE process. This way all DSE users can run through a series of checks on themselves to determine any risks before they become a problem.

We recommend this because:

  • It’s cost-effective
  • It doesn’t take much time
  • Data is managed and stored securely online
  • Users are guided through checks without need for an assessor
  • Issues are flagged up automatically
  • You can make data-driven decisions about where to invest
  • You can easily generate reports and audits

Do you have a self-assessment software in mind? If so we can manage it for you. Whether rolling out a new process, or managing an existing process, our team can support you by keeping user data up to date with a variety of options available to manage starters, leavers, reminders and schedules. We recommend Q-Pulse WorkRite e-learning by Ideagen — originally developed by our own team and now owned by a globally-renowned tech firm.

If you don’t have or want to implement an e-learning system, we can help create a manual process and recommend how to manage this effectively, with support where needed from our health and safety consultancy team.

Triage service

Prioritising action based on self-assessment results

Smart organisation from the offset will save you huge amounts of money and time. Our team make sure major risks are qualified and resources are allocated where they’re needed. Simple, streamlined and effective.

A standard Managed Service workflow focuses on issues generated by the self-assessment process. Priority is given to staff who report musculoskeletal discomfort or pain, as well as other higher risk issues such as inadequate or broken furniture, pregnancy and disability. Outside of this, it is usually recommended that automated advice or other learning resources are used to resolve lower risk issues, with the option to revert to the Managed Service team if there is a need.

DSE advice

Personalised tips, infographics and other resources

Our case managers are all experienced DSE assessors and are always on hand to offer basic DSE or workstation guidance as part of a triage or agreed process. This could include detail on how best to set up a workstation or chair, the importance of breaks and other postural or ergonomic guidance. Further learning resources could be provided at this point, or even some direct recommendations for effective ergonomic adjustments.

Assessment and consultation services

Higher level help

Where there is a need to escalate issues to a formal assessment, our team can direct staff to an internal process (e.g. Occupational Health), or engage our own range of assessment services. This can range from a remote telephone consultation, through to on-site Level 1 assessments or higher level ergonomic assessments.

For any enablement assessments, our enablement team can be referred.

Equipment support

Expert recommendations and provision

There may be requirements for alternative equipment recommendations. Our team will be able to provide recommendations from our extensive portfolio of options, or work from agreed list of recommended items. This can be a list agreed with Posturite or other suppliers that may be contracted to provide furniture and other equipment solutions.

Once equipment has been delivered, a follow up discussion to ensure that equipment is in situ and some guidance will be provided to ensure appropriate use.

Audit trail

Securely auditable data at your finger tips

Whether using WorkRite or other agreed processes, our team will keep a full audit trail of contact points, discussions, recommendations and escalations.

Reporting and management information

Easily generated reports

Our team can create bespoke reports to offer an overview for a range of typical management data or service level agreement requirements.

Above all, our Managed Service is extremely flexible based on the specific requirements or existing processes in place. Our implementation team will thoroughly discuss how the Managed Service needs to work and build a workflow to meet those requirements.

Why choose Posturite?

A full team at your disposal

Our Managed Service team are fully employed and in-house, including specialist implementation managers, case managers and system and process administrators.

Following implementation, you will have an appointed case manager who will be the main point of contact for any contracts and manage most cases. During major roll outs, sufficient resources will be provided so that cases are responded to in a timely and efficient manner.

Highly experienced and flexible

Whether you are a small business with no dedicated health and safety resource, or a national or global organisation with multiple layers, we can fit in with your requirements. Our main aim is to offer a flexible and cost effective model that adds value to your business regardless of how many offices you have and where your staff may be included.

Experts in agile and homeworking

We are well equipped to help with the move towards agile and home working and the obvious challenges that this creates.

Global reach

As well as managing contracts across the UK, our team has experience in managing global rollouts. As any training and self-assessment process is generally delivered via an e-learning platform, all triage and consultations are completed remotely. Where there is a requirement for a face-to-face assessment, or for a remote assessment to be conducted in the local language, then we can engage our network of global assessors and ergonomists.

Ready to find out more?

Let’s talk. Simply fill out the contact form and we’ll get back to you with a price estimation as soon as possible.