Enablement allows us to create an equal workplace for everyone. Let's enable people with a neurodiversity, disability, illness or impairment to reach their full potential at work and celebrate each individual's contribution.
What is enablement at work?
Enablement in the context of the workplace is the act of enabling all employees to do their jobs - even if they have an impairment, illness, neurodiversity or other disability.
People with disabilities including neurodiversities often feel disadvantaged in the workplace. Our job as employers is to remove significant barriers to enable everyone to do their jobs as effectively as possible.
Posturite enablement services
The Posturite Enablement Team is trusted by many of the largest employers in the UK to help boost staff productivity and fulfil their duties under the Equality Act. We offer:
- Enablement assessments
- Enablement training and coaching, including for neurodiversity and menopause
- Assistive Technology products and Assistive Technology training
Meet the professional, caring and experienced people at Posturite who are committed to improving diversity, equity and inclusion in your organisation. Just drop us a line using the contact form below.
Reasonable adjustments
Enablement can sometimes mean making 'reasonable adjustments' to the workspace, equipment and any other areas of policy that limit the individual.
We should all make reasonable adjustments because:
It's your duty under the Equality Act 2010 to make reasonable adjustments for those who need them. Put simply, you must remove barriers that people face because of their disability or illness, in order to give them, as far as possible, the same opportunities and means as those who are not disabled. Remember that a neurodiversity such as ADHD, autism, dyspraxia, and dyslexia are considered disabilities in UK law.
What reasonable adjustments should you make?
Under the law, employers are expected to make the following reasonable adjustments within their business:
Provide extra equipment or services
This is outlined in the Equality Act 2010 as 'provision of auxiliary aids, including providing information in an accessible form such as Braille, large print, or email'.
It means that if you can reasonably provide something to enable someone to do their job then you must do so. Examples include:
- Assistive technology products and software
- Disability Enablement assessments
- Extra staff assistance
Change the way things are done
In the Equality Act 2010, this is described as adjusting your 'provision, criterion, or practice'. Sometimes the way organisations do things makes life harder for people with disabilities. If it is 'reasonable' to change this in a way that doesn't disadvantage anyone, then you must do so. For example, it is your organisation's policy for staff to park in a designated car park across the road. Allowing an employee with a mobility impairment to park in the visitor spaces directly outside the office building is likely to be considered a reasonable adjustment.
Change a physical feature
In the Equality Act 2010, this is known as making reasonable adjustments to 'physical features, such as the layout of and access to workplaces'.
It means making changes to the physical features of a building, such as passageways and paths, entrances, exits and stairs.
When is it necessary to make reasonable adjustments for an employee?
The Equality Act 2010 says that you have a duty to make reasonable adjustments when an employee is placed at a 'substantial disadvantage' due to a disability when compared with their colleagues.
Posturite offers expertise and advice on reasonable adjustments – ask us your questions in the contact form below.
What counts as a substantial disadvantage?
A substantial disadvantage is defined in the Equality Act as being one that is 'more than minor or trivial'. In other words, it would likely have a big impact on that person's ability to carry out a task properly or effectively. The Act also emphasises that the employee would have to be at a substantial disadvantage when compared to a person or group carrying out the same tasks.
Some common examples of disabilities that are likely to put someone at a substantial disadvantage include:
*e.g. ME, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
**e.g. motor neurone disease, muscular dystrophy, or forms of dementia.
Posturite services to boost equality at work
Which enablement assessments, training and Assistive Technology does Posturite offer in relation to these disabilities and health conditions?
Enablement assessments
Initial triage of requirements
Neurodiverse workplace needs assessment
Holistic workplace needs assessment
Cognitive diagnostic assessment
Workplace needs assessment
Hearing loss assessment
Sight loss assessment
Autism spectrum conditions screening
ADHD screening
Enablement training
Menopause strategy coaching
One-to-one workplace strategy session
Co-coaching training with line manager
Disability impact training
Disability awareness training
Assistive technology
AT for neurodiversity including dyslexia
AT for visual impairments
AT for hearing impairments
Ask us also for recommendations on Assistive Technology to support other conditions.
Assistive technology training
Assistive technology strategies
Assistive technology & reasonable adjustments review
What happens if you don't make reasonable adjustments?
If you don't make reasonable adjustments for an employee then you are breaking the law. That employee can then complain internally and if the problem isn't resolved, make a discrimination claim against you under the Equality Act. This can result in a commendation payout and/or aggravated damages.
Disability awareness training
How can we increase knowledge and understanding of disabilities in the workplace? One solution is to provide disability awareness sessions for your line managers, groups of employees or your whole company. This awareness training is a great way to help everyone feel more comfortable about discussing disabilities, dispel myths about neurodiversity and build a culture of support and empathy. Explore the training options here.
How can we help you?
Please fill out this contact form and the Posturite Enablement Team will be happy to help.