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How to prevent neck pain

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What's this webinar about?

Get free advice from a skilled physiotherapist on neck pain and how best to prevent it.

Posturite’s lead consultant in ergonomics Katharine Metters will give you the chance to pose your questions and we'll give practical tips and strategies on preventing neck pain.

You’ll meet one of our experienced partner physiotherapists Rebecca Sessions from IPRS Health and we’ll make sure this is less than an hour of your time which provides long-term health benefits!

Join us to discover...

  • A brief introduction to the structure of the spine and how it works best
  • Why posture-related neck pain can develop
  • How to set up a workstation to help prevent neck pain
  • How to prevent working from home neck pain
  • Further common neck problems related to whiplash, arthritis and more
  • Neck pain first aid
  • Pain prevention tips for home life - for you and your family
  • Can exercise help – or make my neck pain worse?

Who is this webinar for?

Employees and employers – we’ll give advice to help you personally and professionally.

Date & time

Wednesday 13 July 2022, 11am-12pm


  • Rebecca Sessions, Chartered Physiotherapist, IPRS Group
  • Katharine Metters MCSP C.ErgHF MCIEHF CMIOSH CREE, Lead Consultant, Posturite