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The ultimate infographic guide to saving energy in a home office

Enjoy working from home? Many of us do, but what about the thorny issue of adding to our energy bills with our computer usage and the heating and lighting of our home workspaces?

Let’s take action and make small, easy, affordable working from home changes that could reduce our bills a little. This new infographic gives great tips for adjusting our technology, heating and lighting for energy-efficient home working, but also reminds us to keep moving to help keep warm and to fuel our bodies with nutritious food.

If we used to be ‘Together in Electric Dreams’ some of us could be in electric nightmares this year. While electricity and gas bills are sky high, we’re looking for ways to cut working from home costs and to reduce our environmental impact. There’s bound to be tips in the home office energy-saving infographic which not everyone is aware of, so do share it and let’s discuss how to save energy.

Click here to download a PDF version of our 'How to save energy when working from home' infographic