Equality & Diversity
I’m your colleague, I’m on the autistic spectrum and I’m an individual
“There's so many positives that I believe autistic differences bring to my personal life and to my work life” Amber tells us. Understand autism better by reading these enlightening interviews with two neurodiverse women navigating their careers.
We chose Shared Parental Leave; traditional Maternity Leave wasn’t for us
"Traditional Maternity Leave wasn't for us! Shared Parental Leave meant our baby experienced her early months with both of us.” Read this SPL story from the perspective of two parents and their HR manager.
8 things you might not know about stroke
Posturite is a partner to the Stroke Association charity and to boost stroke awareness, here’s an infographic of quick facts about the signs of stroke, communicating with a stroke survivor, what a stroke is and more!
Office jobs infographic: compare the 2020s to the 1920s
Did you know that 1920s managers thought that sitting comfortably generated laziness – so office workers were given benches to sit on? Here's a fun infographic comparing today’s salaries, office equipment and office culture with those of a century ago.
Make work meetings more accessible to employees with hearing loss
Did you know there is technology that’s brilliantly effective for improving hearing in meetings, including for people already wearing hearing aids? In this article, we look at hearing loss assessments for employees and how to transform the accessibility of your meetings.
The gender pay gap: should women be even more outraged by it?
A gender pay gap that’s nearly 15%! We've still got a long way to go in the UK. Find out why your organisation would benefit from closing the gender pay gap. With expert commentary from Lead5050’s founder, explore the advantages of making leadership teams more gender-balanced.
Why choose a career in equality, diversity and inclusion?
A career in EDI could be fascinating, rewarding and challenging in equal measure. Read these interviews with two trailblazers in the emerging field of equality, diversity and inclusion.
My workplace adjustments for ADHD – and my advice to others
"I didn’t know that I was neurodiverse and had ADHD." Vikki's ADHD does impact her at work but she’s discovered ways of working that bring out her best. Read about the reasonable adjustments that can enable neurodiverse people to excel in their jobs.
Assistive Technology and adjustments at work: event highlights
A short video capturing Posturite's 2023 enablement seminar series ‘How do we enable every individual in our team?’. The event was a great opportunity to get together to discuss how we can improve diversity, equality and inclusion in the workplace.
ADHD at work: The good, the difficult, and the huge untapped potential
ADHD can affect attention, impulses, and concentration at work, but presents in different ways in different people. Find out about the possible strengths of team members with ADHD, see examples of reasonable adjustments to support employees with ADHD and more.