Is there a smaller standing desk for home use?
When you have limited space to work from home, can you fit in a good sit-stand desk? This blog shows you can, with two ingenious compact sit-stand desk options for an ergonomic home workstation.
Give me 10 examples of Reasonable Adjustments
Here’s a handy list of examples of reasonable adjustments which are commonly requested, needed and provided in workplaces. Let’s make people’s working lives less challenging, more inclusive and more comfortable.
The 10 best gifts for people who work from home
Here are ten great ideas for useful gifts that feel GOOD for your homeworker. So many people truly love a gadget – so an ergonomic gadget for the office will be a hit. Your gift could prompt a smile on every day of their working week…
The fun flexibility of a Capisco office chair
Capisco office chairs are beautifully designed, take up little space in a home office, are clever in their versatility, and yes, are very comfortable. Did you know they’re great for fidgeting? And what’s an ‘open hip angle’?
Plus size or petite? An office kit infographic
Need an extra-large office chair? Are you too short for a standard office chair? No problem. This infographic introduces you to options for ergonomic office equipment when you or your colleague are plus size or petite.
Two try a roll bar mouse for the first time
What’s it like to use a roll bar mouse? How quickly can you get the hang of this ergonomic mouse? We share feedback from a roll bar mouse superfan and the uninitiated. ‘You've gotta roll with it’ wrote Noel Gallagher. Give the roll bar mouse a try!
10 tilts that totally transform your working posture
Did you know that some of the best ergonomic kit helps you make small changes to the angle that parts of your body are in when working? Discover the tilts that can be crucial to good workstation posture – and help prevent pain.
Could your MD move more in ’24?
Are senior staff worse or better at moving during the working day than junior staff? And does Posturite’s own MD set a good example? We investigate managers’ good and bad working habits in honour of the Move More in ’24 healthy working campaign.
Active working from home survey: an infographic
Do you sit for too long when working from home? Compare your homeworking habits with these revealing survey results from Posturite. Active working works!
Discover the perfect keyboard: A guide to enhancing your workspace
Which keyboard should you choose to suit the way you work? We explain why a compact keyboard can be a comfortable choice. Here’s a clear and helpful guide to the different kinds of keyboard you can choose from for health and productivity.