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Why you shouldn't be using that fitness ball as an office chair

Posturite's Senior Consultant Katharine Metters explains why fitness balls shouldn't be used as office chairs

They're cheap, they're colourful, they look kind of fun to use - and they claim to tone up your core just by sitting on them. So why wouldn't you want to swap your office chair for a fitness ball?

Lifestyle shot showing a fitness ball

While we’re huge advocates of bringing healthy living regimes into the workplace, there is one particular trend we’re reluctant to support. That’s the use of fitness balls (also known as Swiss, yoga, or Pilates balls) as regular-use office chairs. Granted, these balls are excellent fitness tools for working the core. But there’s a big step between a dedicated core work-out, and all-day use of these balls.

Muscle fatigue

A gym ball is an effective piece of exercise equipment because it provides an unstable surface that constantly requires your muscles to work to keep you upright. This is great for short periods of time but most people don’t have the core strength to keep this up for a full working day. Commonly people who use gym balls as chairs compensate for muscle fatigue by tucking their feet under the ball to keep it stable, which defeats the point of having the ball in the first place.

Not enough support from fitness balls

Research into this area has shown that prolonged use of gym balls does not significantly affect the magnitudes of muscle activation, spine posture, spine loads, or overall spine stability and actually increases discomfort — probably due to decreased support for the buttocks and thighs.

Doesn't meet DSE regs

In addition to these problems, gym balls don’t actually meet DSE (Display Screen Equipment) working regulations. These call for a stable, adjustable chair with back support. Most offices have fixed-height desks so there is little chance that the ball will be the correct height for you to achieve a good arm position whilst working at your desk.

If a gym ball is used for working, there must be a sound reason for this, such as a recommendation from a health professional.

Naturally, getting on and off the ball will increase the risk due to instability. Especially important is that your arms are in the correct position. If not, the desk height will need to be adjusted.

In light of all of this, we do not generally recommend fitness balls as computer chairs as general practice. Should a fitness ball be recommended by a health professional, we would offer the following advice:

  • Make sure the ball is the correct size for you - the health professional recommending it should be able to advise on this.
  • The ball should be robust and have ‘anti-burst’ technology.
  • A suitable operator's chair should also be available and it is advised that it’s used regularly throughout the day.

Meet Ergo Ball: an accompaniment to your chair

Ergo Ball

Ergo Ball is a robust, non-slip balance ball designed to blend stylishly into your office or home study. You can use it at intervals to activate the abdominal, side and back muscles while carrying out various exercises. Our bodies are well equipped to move around regularly, so staying in one position for too long on your office chair may lead to health problems like musculoskeletal pain, weight and circulatory issues. Ergo Ball is a great way to enjoy an active break away from your chair.

Can you use keyboards and other equipment while sitting on an Ergo Ball?

You could try sitting on Ergo Ball for short periods to carry out quick tasks, like a brief conference call, or during a meeting - but we don't suggest you use it for long periods, or while using your keyboard and mouse. The handle makes it easy to pick up to move around, making it ideal for your home office, work office, or any other room in your house. Shop Ergo Ball ›

Better alternatives - chairs for your core

The sentiment behind using fitness balls as chairs is great. Keeping more active at work is not only good for overall health and fitness, it's also great for concentration, mental health and productivity - all important factors when it comes to a business's success. There are a few ergonomic chairs designed specifically to activate the core. These are known as active sitting seats, and you can browse our entire category here. Browse all active sitting seats ›


A fun stool for occasional use throughout the day. The ONGO's curved base encourages constant movement. A ball built into a circular track in the base provides acoustic feedback on every movement so you can hear when you're doing it right.


Get the ONGO Seat ›

Backapp Hipp

Enjoy gentle movement while you sit on a Backapp Hipp seat too. It’s fantastic for exercising the muscles that support the spine. Adjust the amount of stability you want to feel. the less stability, the more your core needs to work.

Get the Backapp Hipp ›

Profim Mickey

Here’s a very stylish height-adjustable stool that you can tilt 10° sideways too: the Profim Mickey. For active sitting, swivel it from side to side gently - it might help your thought process and your focus.

Get the Profim Mickey ›