Reduce stress and thrive while working from home

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Date & time

Wednesday 20 April 2022, 11am-12pm


  • Ellice Whyte MSc MBPsS CPBP
  • Katharine Metters MCSP C.ErgHF MCIEHF CMIOSH CREE - Posturite Lead Consultant


For Stress Awareness Month 2022, invest a little time in yourself and listen to expert tips on improving your mental health while working from home.

Don't let stress hold you back in your job. When working from home alone, deadlines, pressure and lack of understanding between colleagues can get you down – but there is help out there to bring back job satisfaction.

At Posturite we are committed to better health, happiness and productivity of people at work, and we're delighted to invite you along to this enjoyable and inspirational webinar.

Join us to discover...

  • The small changes you can make to build your resilience and happiness
  • How to identify where you can take control – and avoid channelling your energy into blaming the aspects of your job you can't change
  • How to cope with overwhelm
  • What is Mental Health First Aid?
  • How can you help your homeworking colleagues thrive at work?

Who is this webinar for?

  • Anyone who works from home either full or part time
  • Employers who would like to watch and share the tips with their teams
  • Wellbeing and HR professionals wishing to participate in Stress Awareness Month

Your webinar presenters

Ellice Whyte is an accredited business psychologist with a master's degree in Psychology and further training in counselling and education. Ellice is founder of Mindset Mental Health, a Principal Practitioner of the Association of Business Psychologists and a graduate member of the British Psychological Society. Business psychology is the study of improving working life. Ellice is passionate about improving and sustaining good mental wellbeing at work and creating healthy, productive and mutually beneficial relationships between people and organisations.

Katharine Metters is the Lead Consultant for Posturite in Ergonomics and Health and Safety, and delivers Mental Health First Aid and wellbeing training to teams in many sectors throughout the UK. Katharine is a Member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (MCSP), a Member of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (MCIEHF), a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (CMIOSH) and a Member of the Centre for Registration of European Ergonomists (CREE).